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Atunah's Romance Haus

I love to read and I love to read Romance. Any kind of romance. Although, I always come back to Historical Romance. I'll also read Urban Fantasy, Historical Mysteries and Historical Fiction. 

Currently reading

Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington
Feversong: A Fever Novel
Karen Marie Moning

Cold Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas

Cold-Hearted Rake - Lisa Kleypas

Oh dear this is difficult to review. First I am so so happy to have Lisa Kleypas back to writing historical romance. 

Issue I have here is that the hero starts out so unpleasant and wimpy and just changes on the flip once he lusts after the heroine. I had such a hard time warming up to her and just really feel their actual romance, beyond just lust. He wants her, in bed. But I just don't get a sense of why he "likes' her.

Then of course enters Winterborne. And from that point on all my feels go there.
That moment when Winterborne sees Helen for the first time, that one brief glimpse, told me more about the character of Helen through Winterbornes eyes than the whole book managed to convey about the actual heroine Kathleen. I don't know how to explain it. It was the same when one moment Helen looks into Winterbornes eyes later when she helps him pick something up. That look, so much potential and feels.
I never really got a sense of the essence that are Kathleen and Devon. But with just a couple of looks and lines, I am fully invested in a secondary potential coupling.

I kept writing Katherine instead of Kathleen in this review, that is how much I never got her. :)

I do like the cast of characters over all, if I look at it as a assemble cast book. Love West the brother of the hero, love the twins and the servants. But as a romance between 2 people, it just didn't work for me as well, with those particular people.

Overall I liked it, just not the couple in this book as much as the other parts. Their ending and HEA was a bit rushed, but oh boy the set up for the next book really really intrigues me. Looking forward to some meat to dig in. :)

Very much want the Winterborne book now.