I love to read and I love to read Romance. Any kind of romance. Although, I always come back to Historical Romance. I'll also read Urban Fantasy, Historical Mysteries and Historical Fiction.
So far I had read the first two in the Kathleen Turner series, getting ready to read the 3rd. Then I saw there was a companion out to the 1st with the POV being that of Blane.
I was going to re-read the 1st anyway to get ready for the 3rd since it has been a while, but figured this might even be better. And it was. Even though the time line runs parallel to the 1st, half of each chapter is actually about Blane and Kade from the past. So that added a lot of new stuff and insight in the relationship of the brothers.
And because it is from Blane's point, Kathleen comes across a little less TSTL than she did in the 1st. Now I love her, don't get me wrong, but she does have some tendencies to be a bit, well TSTL. :)
Some still leaks through seeing with Blane's eyes, but it also showed how much stuff Kathleen pulled without him even knowing. He was quite clueless about a lot of things.
Like the others in the series, this one reads just as fast and thrilling. Not sure what it is about this author, but once I start reading I can't stop. And next thing I know I am almost through. I love books like that.
So I really loved the interaction between the brothers when younger and seeing that Blane being older was kind of a father figure also once he gets Kade out of foster at age 10. Some heartbreaking stuff here and it explains some of the actions of both in the first 2 of the series.
I got enough of a fresher that I can now go on to the 3rd in the series. I would call this one 1.5 if I had to number them in order.
Great series.