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Atunah's Romance Haus

I love to read and I love to read Romance. Any kind of romance. Although, I always come back to Historical Romance. I'll also read Urban Fantasy, Historical Mysteries and Historical Fiction. 

Currently reading

Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington
Feversong: A Fever Novel
Karen Marie Moning

Wait for Me by Elisabeth Naughton

Wait for Me - Elisabeth Naughton

I chose this one randomly after I had just finished a historical romance. I had already owned it for a while and now I don't know why I waited so long to read it. 


I started it last night. The idea was just to read a chapter or so and then go to bed. I came up for air at 3 am and had plowed through 60% of the novel. That is how much it gripped me. It just grabbed me from the first few pages and didn't let go. 


I think what worked so well was that many things were unveiled fairly early on, while more stuff kept getting mysterious. By not dragging everything to the end, it kept my interest. The main issue was that the heroines identity was not kept from everyone until the end which is often done and then nobody has any time to develop a meaningful relationship.



Here we get the opportunity to see the fallout from it all early on. Yet, there are more secrets and mysteries to be revealed. Its this revealing in stages that kept interest going throughout. 


Is this all realistic? Nope. Was I flying through the pages at night while my eyes were drying out to rocks? Yep. :)


Just a great romantic suspense.